Introduction to Pre-Vet Summer School (PVSS)

About this Event

In this webinar you will be introduced to the RVC's Pre-Vet Summer School (PVSS) and hear the experiences of students who attended PVSS prior to enrolling at the RVC.

The Pre-Vet Summer School is the RVC's most immersive, preparatory programme for students with an aspiration to study Veterinary Medicine. 

This webinar will focus on the programme itself while the following webinar, on the 28th March 2024, will focus on the application process. You can register for Applying to Pre-Vet Summer School here. 

This webinar will be recorded and the recording will be shared with all registrants. 

Applications close for PVSS: Monday 15th April


Monday 4 March 2024 15:00


Monday 4 March 2024 16:00


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